Education Meeting HTML5 Template

Welcome To Young Africans Technology

Young African Technology is a non-profit (completely free) coding academy founded by Kingsley Chukwuma in January 2021.

Young African Technology is a non-profit (completely free) coding academy founded by Kingsley Chukwuma in January 2021. Kingsley is a computer programmer who is now fully committed to usig his coding skills to empower those who are not privileged to acquire such a skill for free.

The motivation behind his interest to teach coding to kids and high school students in disadvantaged communities was when he discovered that 90 percent of kids and youths in poor communities have never heard about coding before. The only word they are familiar with is I.T (information technology) but their knowledge of I.T is only about fixing computers. So, it got him worried that kids and youths from the suburbs have the privilege of learning basic coding or even hearing about it from high school or friends, but most people from poor communities don't have this opportunity.

He decided to teach kids and teenagers coding as an after-school program. in the beginning, he didn't have enough computers to teach them and people that showed interest were more than 15, he had only one computer then but that didn't stop him from teaching 15 teenagers with one computer for a few months before God opened the door for people to donate more computers.

We have two physical classrooms (onsite). The first classroom was established in January 2021, and the second classroom (second branch) in June 2022, and we also have online class

We have students from 10 years to 18 and we teach two classes a day.


  1. Computer literacy and touch typing.
  2. Ubuntu Operating System
  3. Python.
  4. Javascript.
  5. HTML (Hyper-text Markup Language)
  6. CSS (Cascading Style Sheet).
  7. Node.js: an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side and networking applications.
  8. ExpressJs: A back end web application framework for Node.js
  9. Django and Flask: Python web framework for building applications.
  10. ReactJs: React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components.

  11. Reactnative For Cross-platform mobile applications development

  12. Robotics with Ros2, Arduino, Microbit
  13. Artificial intelligence